Adding a note

You can use notes to document the outcome of an activity and to record interactions with an account, contact, lead, opportunity, sales order, quote, campaign, ticket, return, or defect. The notes you add display in the Notes/History tab on each record detail views.

Note: If you create a note for an opportunity, and disassociate the note from the contact and account, the note is not sent to the Remote users.
  1. Select Note from the New menu.
  2. Select an item from the list in the Regarding field.
  3. Use the Location field to specify a location.
  4. Select the category for the note in the Category field.
  5. Select an item from the list in the Priority field.
  6. Determine if the note is timeless:
    • Select the Timeless check box to create a note for a specific date, but not at a specific time and without a specific duration.
      • Click Calendar in the Scheduled field, to select the date when the note was scheduled, and click OK.
    • Clear the Timeless check box to create an activity that occurs on a specific date, and a specific time.
      • Click Calendar in the Scheduled field, to select the date and time when the note was scheduled, and click OK.
      • Specify or select a value from the list in the Duration field.
  7. Click Lookup option in the Leader field and use the lookup to select a leader if someone other than you is leading the activity.
    Note: Not all users are available. You can only choose a user to be an activity leader if you have access to the user calendar.
  8. Add the records you require to associate with the note under the Associations atb.
    Note: When you add an association, the note displays on the Notes tab on the associated detail view.
    1. Click the arrow and select the type of record you require to associate, and click the Associate icon.
    2. Use the Lookup option to find the records you require to associate with the activity, and click Add Selected. See Finding records
      Note: When you associate a record, related records can be associated automatically. For example, when associating a contact, the related account is also associated. To remove the associated record, click Delete.
  9. Specify the appropriate information in the Notes field.
  10. Click the Attachments tab to add a document or URL. See Attachments tab.
  11. (Optional) Click the Follow-up field and select the follow-up activity type to schedule a follow-up activity.
  12. Use the Carry Over Notes or Carry Over Attachments check boxes to copy notes or attachments from this note to the follow-up activity.
  13. Click OK.