Account Details tab

The Details tab displays in the Account detail view. This tab contains specific information about the account. You can modify the information at any time by clicking in a field and specifying new information, or select from a list of available items. See Using the Account detail view

Note: The workspace can be different based on the access rights or if the installation is customized.

To modify a contact, access the Account detail view and select the Details tab. After completing all the modifications, click Save.

The various fields present on the Account Details tab are:

Field Description
Region The region in which the account is located.
Ticker Symbol The abbreviation used by one of the stock marketplaces to identify the account. The ticker symbol is used to view current stock quotes for the account.
SIC Code Standard Industrial Classification Code of the account.
Yearly Revenue The account revenue for the year.
Time Zone

The time zone where the account is located.

Click Show Local Time to display the local time for the account.

Account ID Displays the account ID number that is automatically generated when the account is created. You cannot change this number.
Closed Date The date on which the account is closed.

To modify, click the Calendar icon and select a different date.

Create Date The date that the account was created.
Create User The user responsible for creating the account record.
Credit Rating The account's credit rating.
Currency (Accounting Integration)The account' currency.
Days since last touched The number of days since the last time an account activity was completed.
Employees The number of people employed by the account. You can specify the number of employees working for the account.
Import Source Displays a value if the account information was imported from another source.
Last History By The user who created the last history record for the account.
Last History On The day on which the last history record was created.
Lead Source The source which helped the company identify the account (for example a magazine ad or telesales). Click the arrow and select an item from the list.
Misc. Phone An additional telephone number for the account.
Modify Date The date that the account was last modified.
Modify User The user who last modified the account record
Reason Lost The reason an account was closed.

To modify, click the arrow to select from the list.

Region The region in which the account is located.
SIC Code Standard Industrial Classification Code of the account.
Ticker Symbol The abbreviation used by one of the stock marketplaces to identify the account. The ticker symbol allows you to view current stock quotes for the account.
Time Zone

The time zone where the account is located.

Click Show Local Time to display the local time for the account.

Yearly Revenue The account revenue for the year.

Additional information may be available if the implementation includes a back office extension. This information is for display only and must be added or edited in the integrated application. For specific questions please refer to the documentation for the integrated application or contact the administrator. See Back Office