Using the Back Office detail view

The Back Office detail view provides the means of configuring Infor CRM SLX to process Business Object Documents, BODs, published by other Infor ION enabled integration applications provisioned within the same tenant.


To access the Back Office Detail view, select the Back Offices tab on the Back Office Extension Integrations detail view and click the required Back Office Name link. For more information, see Using the Integration Detail View.

On this page you can:

  • Add a back office
    • Use the Clone icon to create new cloned copy of the back office. The cloned Back Office inherits all the existing customizations of the selected back office, at the time of generating the cloned Back Office.
      Note: The cloned back offices must have a unique Name and Logical ID.
  • Delete a previously cloned back office
    • Use Delete to delete or remove the active back office, if it was originally created as a cloned back office.
      Note: You can deactivate back offices defined by the upgrade safe BOD Pack, but the system do not support the deletion of BOD Pack based back office records.

Information Fields

The Back Office properties contain implementation specific configuration content that supports the processing of BODs published by a specific Infor ION enabled integrated host system of record.

Fields Description

The display name of the back office.

Specify a unique and descriptive name for the back office. The back office names include a reference to the associated integrated application.

Logical ID

The Logical ID is generated when configuring the connection point for the associated integrated application as defined in the corresponding ION Desk connection point user interface.

The logical ID value is prefixed with lid:// resulting in logical ID values. Example: lid://infor.ln.local.

The account that is associated with contacts synchronized from the back office without associated account information. Generally you must use the default account defined by the BOD Pack. Cloned back offices default to the account defined by the original back office.

Click Find and use the lookup to find an account, other than the BOD Pack default account, to be associated with the back office.

If the associated account does not exist in Infor CRM SLX, then a default account is assigned.

Default [Account Manager] Click Find to find the user within the organization to manage the account relationship of new accounts created in Infor CRM SLX. For more information, see Finding Records.
Integration A link to the Back Office Extension Integrations Detail view.
Note: You cannot modify this field.
Language Code The Best Current Practice (BCP) 47 compatible language code is used to filter text data content published by the host system in multiple languages. This value must match the individual BOD elements Language ID attribute as published by the host system. The default value is en-US.

The BCP 47 language tag is a standardized code or tag that is used to identify human languages in the Internet. The tag structure is standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in Best Current Practice (BCP) 47.

Version The version number of the back office integration.
Note: You cannot modify this field.
Default Record Owner

The default owner assigned to new integrated data content.

Click Find to find the user or team within the organization who owns all records created by the BODs. For more information, see Finding Records.

Sales Person Role

The Sales Person Role provides an alternate method of defining the default data owner for new integrated accounts. Infor CRM SLX provides the means of mapping the published sales person user ID to a corresponding default account manager and record owner. The Infor CRM SLX administrator updates the CRM ERP Person records to define the host sales person relationship to the corresponding CRM record owner and account manager.

If a role is not selected, or a BOD do not have a sales person with that role assigned, the Default Record Owner is assigned.

Click the drop-down arrow and select a role from the list.

The implementation specific roles are defined via the Sales Person Roles picklist. Each picklist entry must contain a filter value of the logical ID value of the host application.

Country Code Format

Designates if the integrated application is publishing the standard 2-digit ISO Country Codes or using an alternate custom 3-digit country code format.

To edit, click the drop-down arrow and select from the list:

  • Alternate - Optional alternate country code defined by the Country CodeMapping.AlternateCode property.
  • ISO - Standard 2-character country code.
Active Use this option to enable or disable the processing of inbound BOD content by this back office.

To save any changes, click Save.

Detail View Tabs

Each tab shows specific information you can use for back office related activities. Click a link to see more information about each tab:

User Defined Section

You can drag and drop tabs into the user defined middle section. For more information, see Dragging and Dropping.