Creating Campaign Target Groups

To manage the campaigns and campaign targets, you can create campaign target groups.

Note: You cannot create a group with both contact and lead records. The records included in the group will be determined by the Group Type you select in the Create Campaign Group screen.

To create a campaign group with all contacts or leads:

  1. Open the Campaign detail view targets tab. SeeCampaign Targets Tab.
  2. To create a group of selected contacts or leads, select check box next to each record you want to add to the group.
    Note: To create a group of all of the contacts or leads listed, you can also go to Step 3.
  3. Click Save as Group. The Create Campaign Group screen opens.
  4. In the Group Type field, Select Contact or Lead.
  5. In the Group Name field, specify a descriptive name for the group.
  6. To create a group of all contacts or leads, select All Campaign Targets.
    Note: To create the group using records selected in Step 2, you can select Selected Campaign Targets.
  7. Click OK. The Contact or Lead list view opens with the new group selected.