Entity Manager Fields Tab

Use Entity Manager Fields tab to add, edit, or view fields. The Fields tab on the Entity Manager view only appears when the Detail pane is active. The Fields tab lists all fields associated with a selected entity.

The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

Note: Some fields and field types cannot be added or edited.
  • To open the Entity Manager Fields tab:
    1. Click Entity Manager on the Navigation Bar. The Entity Manager list view is displayed.
    2. Select a record in the Entity Manager list. The Entity Manager detail view is displayed.
      Note: If necessary, click Detail.

      The Details pane displays at the bottom of the list view with detailed information about the selected record.

    3. Click Fields and view the information in the lower pane.

On this page you can:

  • Add a field. See Adding a Field
  • Edit a field. See Modifying a Field
  • Add or hide a column: Click Add and select the field of the columns you want to appear in the grid and clear the fields of the columns you want to hide in the grid. Hover on the menu and click close after completing the task.