Configuration Groups tab

Use the Configuration Groups tab to view and manage groups of that are available for you. See Infor CPQ Overview

To access the Configuration Groups tab you can:

  1. Click Integrations on the Navigation Bar to access the Integrations list view and click Infor CPQ.
  2. Click the Configuration Group tab.

On this page:

  • You can add a configuration group. See Creating CPQ configuration groups
  • To modify a group you can click the Edit hyperlink of the group to edit. Use the Edit Config Group window to make your changes and click OK. See Creating CPQ configuration groups
    Note:  To modify a group , you can also select the required column to edit and maker your changes. Once finished, click OK.
  • To remove a configuration group you can select the required group, click Remove and click OK.
The view contains these fields:
Field Name Description
Edit Click this link to access the Config Groups dialog where you can edit settings for the selected group. See Creating CPQ configuration groups
Application Name The application name registered in the Product Configuration Manager. It is a combination of the configuration model and the output database. For example: InforCRM_DB.
Config Group Name The intuitive name of your choice.
Description A description of the group.
Instance Name The instance ID that identifies your database instance. For example, InforCRM_DB. A single server can host several instances of PCM Configurator.
Name Space The namespace of the product configurator model as defined in PCM Design Studio.
Service URL The URL for the Integration Web Service.
System Default The default configuration group to use for new configured products if more than one group is defined.
API Key The key used to identify the tenant connection to the API. This key can be acquired by the tenant administrator through the PCM Home page. Keep this key private.

To integrate with MT cloud based CPQ-Configurator, you must specify the API Key. For the on-premise implementation of CPQ-Configurators, specifying the API Key is not always required.