Running a Report

Reports enables you to view information about contacts, accounts, opportunities, tickets, and other related data.

To run a report:

  1. Click Support on the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click Reports. The Reports list view is displayed.
  3. Select a report on the Reports tab. Right-click, and then click one of the following:
    1. Delete: Removes the selected report from your list.
    2. Run: Select this option for reports you want to run only once, or reports you require immediately.
    3. Schedule: Select this option to set up a day, date, and time to run a report and a recurrence. Use this option for reports that need to run regularly, or for large reports that you want to run at off-peak times.
  4. Make your selections using the Report Job Scheduler Wizard, and then click Finish.
  5. When the progress message box appears, do one of the following:
    • Wait for the job to complete and open your report from the link that displays.
    • Click Close to dismiss the box. The report continues to process in the background. When the report is available, a job notification alert appears in the menu bar. You can either view the report from the Job Notifications box or from the Reports History tab.