Defining the Approve Workflow Step

CRM Workflows supports an Approve action step that can be added and defined in the CRM Workflow Designer tab. The Approve step replaces the Approval step and used to define the required approval or set of approvals. You can define multiple approvers or observers and set the approval requirement based on a number or percentage.

  1. Select Integration > Integrations. The Integrations List page is displayed.
  2. Click CRM Workflow. The Integration Detail page is displayed.
  3. Click the Workflows tab.
  4. Click the Workflow Name. The CRM Workflow Definition Detail page is displayed. See Using the Workflow Definition detail view
  5. Click the Workflow Designer tab.
    Note: You can also create an Approve step. See Inserting a new CRM Workflow Step
  6. Click Settings to define or edit the Approve step.
  7. Specify this information on the General tab:
    The text that displays as a label.
    Delay Duration
    The numeric value for a number of days, hours, or minutes after the previous step to delay before this step is generated.
    Delay Increment
    The Days, Hours, or Minutes after the previous workflow step to delay before this step is generated.
    Edit Condition
    Define the condition criteria that must occur before the step is generated.
  8. Click Template tab to define the approval request email subject and content.
    • Specify the approval request email subject in the Subject field.
      • Type the text to appear in the approval request email subject.
      • You can use the @-mention user interface to include dynamic CRM content in the subject content. Type the ‘@’ character followed by a portion of the desired token content.
        Note: To prevent the @-mention user interface from displaying when adding an email address, the @-mention user interface is not displayed if the ‘@’ character is anticipated by an alpha or numeric character without a space. Examples:
        • Typing ‘name@’ cannot be displayed the @-mention user interface.
        • Typing ‘name @' displays the @-mention user interface.
    • Specify the approval request email body in the template editor field:
      • Type the text to appear in the approval request email body.
      • You can use the @mention user interface to select a token from the popup listing to include dynamic CRM content in the notification message content. Type the ‘@’ character followed by a portion of the desired token content.
        Note: To prevent the @-mention user interface from displaying when adding an email address, the @-mention user interface is not displayed if the ‘@’ character is anticipated by an alpha or numeric character without a space. Examples:
        • Typing ‘name@’ cannot be displayed the @-mention user interface.
        • Typing ‘name @ displays the @-mention user interface.
      • Format the text content of the email template if required. Possible values:
        • Bold, italic, or underlined content
        • Numbered or bulleted lists
        • Multiple font sizes supporting heading levels of 1 through 6, along with the normal paragraph font size
        • Font color and background color selections
        • Standard browser fonts of Sans Serif and Serif
        • Left, right, and center text alignment
      • Use the Tx icon to clear all formatting from the selected text.
  9. Click Recipients tab to define the recipient distribution lists for the approval request email.
    • To (CRM Approvers): Use the @mention user interface to include CRM Teams, Departments, or users in the set of CRM Workflow approvers.
    • CC (CRM Observers): Use the @mention user interface to include CRM Teams, Departments, or users in the set of CRM Workflow observers.
    • Select one of these to define the approval criteria for Required to Approve field:
      • Select Percentage of approvers and specify the minimum percentage value in the Value field to define the minimal percentage of the CRM Approvers required to approve the step.
      • Select Number of Approvers and specify the minimum number in the Value field to define the minimum number of CRM Users required to approve the step.
    • Specify the number of days for the approval step in Days To Expire field.
      • Expired approval steps result in an approval status of Expired.
      • You can use the @mention value of @$ApprovalStatus Equals Expired, Approved or Disapproved when defining conditions of subsequent workflow steps.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Create and define next step if the Approve workflow step is approved.
    1. Click Add icon in the Approve step.
    2. Click Approve in the Select a result window.
    3. Select the step action to create.
    4. Click Settings to define the step.
  12. Create and define next step if the Approve workflow step is denied.
    1. Click Add icon in the Approve step.
    2. Click Deny in the Select a result window.
    3. Select the step action to create.
    4. Click Settings to define the step.
  13. Create and define next step if the Approve workflow step is canceled.
    1. Click Add icon in the Approve step.
    2. Click Cancel in the Select a result window.
    3. Select the step action to create.
    4. Click Settings to define the step.