Pick List Information Fields

The following table describes the default information fields.

Before setting pick list options, ensure you understand the Pick List control properties and how the pick list data is stored in the database. Understanding how data binds from the pick list to the database will determine if an option is supported. For example, if you edit the Preferences pick list to Allow multiple selections, the pick list cannot work properly because the database field is too small to store large amounts of text.

Field Description/Action Applies To Web Applies to Network
Name The pick list name.
Required entry Requires users to enter a value before they can continue to the next field. When selected, this option automatically applies to Network pick lists and applies to Web pick lists when the Apply options to Web pick list option is also selected. *
Allow multiple selections Allows users to select more than one item from a pick list. When selected, this option automatically applies to Network pick lists and applies to Web pick lists when the Apply options to Web pick list option is also selected. *
Text must match a list item Ensures that the value entered matches a pick list item. When selected, this option automatically applies to Network pick lists and applies to Web pick lists when the Apply options to Web pick list option is also selected. *
Sorted alphabetically Displays pick list items alphabetically. If this option is selected, the Order values are ignored. When selected, this option automatically applies to Network pick lists and applies to Web pick lists when the Apply options to Web pick list option is also selected.
Users can edit items Allows users to add or change pick list items. This option only applies to Network pick lists. Users cannot edit pick list items in the Web Client.  
Apply options to Web pick list Select this check box to use the options selected on this view for Web pick lists. If this option is cleared, the Web pick list is controlled by the attributes set on the control in the Application Architect.  
Current default value Displays the pick list's default value.
Test this list View the pick list and the items it contains.
Current Default Value The current default language for the pick list.
Filter The filter allows the user to specify the criteria to filter the items that are displayed in the pick list (and in the grid).
Note: The fields in the grey section of pick list manager cannot be modified and the updates made in this section are not saved.
Bound Language The value specified in this field determines the language in which the information is displayed when you log in using a specific language. The bound language drives the items that display when testing the pick list.
Note: The fields in the grey section of pick list manager cannot be modified and the updates made in this section are not saved.
Filter by Language If you select this check box, you can select a specific bound language to filter the data based on that language. When testing the pick list, you can only see the items for the language that you selected.
Note: The fields in the grey section of pick list manager cannot be modified and the updates made in this section are not saved.
Bound Type in form You can select the appropriate pick list type (Code, Text or ID).
Note: The fields in the grey section of pick list manager cannot be modified and the updates made in this section are not saved.
Reload Picklist Reloading the pick list clears the cache and reloads the pick list so the user can see the items in the pick list.
Default Language The default language is set by the language code on the contact record and is displayed for the selected picklist. After a default language is selected, the value cannot be modified.
Language The language and culture code.
Localize Indicates if the pick list has a default language set and allows the user to add additional pick list items for other localizations.
All This option displays the list of all language codes. The user can select the appropriate language code to filter the list and reduce the number of items in the grid.
Note: The Apply options to Web pick list option must be selected.