Working with Dashboard SData Feed widgets
An SData feed widget displays a list of records generated from an SData feed. You can select the entity and the columns that are displayed in the list.
To add or edit a dashboard SData widget:
- Click Dashboard on the Navigation Bar.
Select the required tab to add or modify the required widget.
Note: You can add or edit widgets that are created by the current user.
Add Widget, and then click
SData Feed on the Dashboard menu.
Note: To edit the widget you can find the required widget to modify and click Settings to access Widget Settings.
the Widget
General Options
- Width: Use the slider to indicate how much horizontal space the widget should occupy on the dashboard. The default value is set to 12. Moving the slider to the left allows more than one widget to occupy the same line until a total of 12 is reached. For example, for 2 widgets to appear next to each other, set each widget width to 6. For 3 widgets to appear next to each other, set each widget width to 4.
- Height: In pixels, specify the vertical space the widget should occupy on the dashboard. The default height is set to 450px. To make the widget occupy more vertical space specify a higher number. To make the widget occupy less vertical space specify a lower number.
- Title: The title to be displayed in the widget title bar. By default the title is set to SData Feed.
- Subtitle: Text that displays below the title to provide additional information about the widget. By default this is blank.
Click Entity
and specify this
- Click the Entity arrow and select the required entity. For example, Opportunity.
- In the SData Where Clause
type the where clause to specify an SData entity where clause for
defining the query parameters using the correct syntax. For example,
AccountName like
returns account records starting with
A.Note: For more information about creating a where clause, see Creating an SData Where Clause.
- In the Sort Order, define
the order in which data is arranged in the widget in
format “AccountName asc”.
- Type the required property to sort. For example, AccountName.
- Type a space and then type Asc to sort records in ascending order or Desc to sort records in descending order.
- Click Grid Options and select required column to the widget.
- Click Save when finished.