Using the Forecast Worksheet

The Worksheet tab displays quota and opportunity pipeline information. Opportunity pipeline values are calculated using the list of opportunities in the Opportunities tab.

Note: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

To access the Worksheet tab:

  1. Click the Worksheet tab in the Forecast detail view.
  2. Click the Refresh Worksheet option to verify the most recent data.
  3. Review this information:
    The sum of all active quotas for the assigned user within the forecast date range.
    Closed - Won
    The sum of the revenue of all Closed-Won opportunities.
    Percent of Quota
    The total value of won opportunities divided by the quota total.
    Pipeline Potential
    • Weighted: The sum of all opportunity weighted potential revenue. Weighted potential values are calculated by multiplying the potential revenue of the opportunity by the probability that the opportunity is closed.
    • Average: The sum of the minimum weighted potential and the maximum potential, divided by two.
    • Potential: The sum of all opportunity potential values assuming a 100% close rate.
    Total Potential (Potential and Actual)
    • Minimum: The sum of all opportunity weighted potential revenue, plus the Closed-Won amount.

      Weighted potential values are calculated by multiplying the potential revenue of the opportunity by the probability that the opportunity closes.

    • Average: The sum of the minimum weighted potential and the maximum potential, divided by two, plus the Closed-Won amount.
    • Maximum: The sum of all opportunity potential values assuming a 100% close rate, plus the Closed-Won amount.
  4. Click Set as Forecast Amount next to any of total values to copy the value to the forecast Amount field in the upper details section of the Forecast detail view.