Editing Calculated Fields

You can edit the Calculation tab and, if an aggregate calculated field, the Condition tab. You cannot edit the Properties tab.

To edit calculated field:

Note: Only the System Administrator can access this page.
  1. Select the calculation, and click Edit in the Manage Calculated Fields window.
  2. Click the Calculation tab in the Edit Calculation window.
    • To add a field, click the field in the upper box to add it into any position within the calculation.
    • To add an operator or a bracket, position the cursor within the calculation and click an operator or bracket button. An operator is necessary between fields in a numeric calculation and brackets must have a beginning and an ending bracket. See operator.
    • To delete any item within a calculation, highlight the item and press Delete.
  3. Click Condition tab to add a condition statement to further refine the data included using the syntax:
    TableName.FieldName operator ’value’
    For example, Opportunity.Closed <> ‘T’
    Note: The Conditions tab is only for calculated fields using an aggregate. Conditions defined for other calculated fields will be ignored.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Close.