Editing a Word Template

You can edit your own private templates, or you can create a private copy of a public template, and save it as a private template.

These templates can be used when performing a mail merge from Microsoft Word, or in the Web Client when performing a mail merge output to File.

Note: This feature is only available in Microsoft Word after Installing Infor CRM SLX Mail Merge For Microsoft Word.

To edit a template:

  1. In Microsoft Word, on the Mailings tab, click Manage Template.
  2. In the Manage Templates dialog box, select a template from the tree view and do one of the following:
    • Click Copy to create your own private copy of a template and update the properties in the right pane.
    • Click OK to open the selected template.

      The template opens with the template's standard text and merge fields visible.

  3. To make changes to the template, you can specify additional text in the template or Inserting Merge fields in a Word template, Removing merge fields from a Microsoft Word template, or Editing Merge fields in a word template Infor CRM SLX merge fields.
    Note: If Microsoft Word merge fields are added to a template, those fields will be ignored if the template is used for a Mail Merge to file from the Web Client.
  4. When finished, do one of the following:
    • On the Mailings tab, click Save as New Template to save the template as a new template rather than overwriting the existing template.
    • Click the Save button to save your changes to the existing template. If you do not have permission to edit a template you will be prompted to save a private copy of the template. Click Yes to save your changes to a private copy of the template. Click No if you do not wish to save your changes. Neither selection will save your changes to a template that you do not own or have permission to edit.
  5. If you are saving the template as a new template or as a private copy of the template, Setting or updating the properties for a Word template, and then click OK.