Setting Infor CRM SLX Advanced Options

Use the Advanced tab to enable the ability to drag and drop from Microsoft Outlook to the Infor CRM SLX Web Client. Once you select this option you will be able to drag and drop e-mail history records to the Infor CRM SLX Web Client in a non-Internet Explorer browser.

  • This option is for Infor CRM SLX Web Client users only. Drag and drop is already available for all Infor CRM SLX Windows users.
  • Dragging and dropping from Microsoft Outlook to the Infor CRM SLX Web Client in a non-Internet Explorer browser is only supported for Infor CRM SLX version and later.

To set the options:

  1. Click the Infor CRM SLX Options and, if necessary, click Advanced.
  2. Select Enable drag-and-drop from Outlook to all browsers.
    By default this option is selected.
    Note: If you do not select this option, dragging and dropping an email record to the Infor CRM SLX Web Client in a non-Internet Explorer browser will not work. You will not be notified that the record was not recorded to history.
  3. Click OK, if you are finished setting all of your options, or select another options tab.