Approvers Tab

The Approvers tab on the Workflow Step is displayed for steps with an action type of Approval.

The Approvers tab provides:
  • A read-only view of the step’s approval status for each of the dependent CRM users in the step’s approval list.

To open the Approvers tab, on the CRM Workflow Step instance detail view click the Approvers tab. See Using the CRM Workflow Step Detail View

Field Description/Action
Date Date time stamp of the last comment, approval, or disapproval of the step by the specified CRM user
Status Current approval status for the approval step for the specified CRM user
Approver CRM username for the approver
Comments Final comments to date for the approval step by the specified approver

Adding approvers

Administrators can use the Approvers tab task bar add ‘+’, to add additional CRM Users to the active CRM Workflow Step instance approval list.

Removing approvers

Administrators can move existing approvers to observers for the active approval step by selecting the desired CRM User in the Approvers tab and then clicking the task bar delete. The system asks the administrator to confirm the intention of moving the selected approver to the observer list for the active CRM Workflow Step instance.