Format Type

You can select any of the following format types.

Select To
Number Format a field as a decimal number.
Integer Format a field as a whole number only; rounds up or down as necessary.
Date/Time Format a date/time.
Percentage Format a field as a percentage. Can only be used on floating or double precision fields.
Currency Format a field as dollar value.
User Name Convert a field that contains a USERID into a user name.
Phone Number Format the value of a field into a standard phone number format.
Owner Converts SECCODE into the name of the user or team who owns the record.
Boolean Translates 0, 1, T, and F to True/False.
Positive Integer Format a field as a positive whole number only.
PickList Item Format a field as an item for an Infor CRM SLX pick list.
Time Zone Format a field as a Time Zone.