Troubleshooting: Query Builder is Slow to Respond
System Administrator Only |
If the Query Builder is taking a long time to respond, there may be recursive joins which can be removed. An example of a recursive join is:
Join 1: Account ->Account_Ext
Join 2: Account_Ext ->Account
To detect the recursive joins, run the following statement:
SELECT j1.fromtable fromtable1, j1.fromfield fromfield1, j1.totable totable1, j1.tofield tofield1
FROM sysdba.JOINDATA j1, sysdba.joindata j2 where j1.fromtable = j2.totable
AND j1.totable = j2.fromtable
AND j1.fromfield = j2.tofield
AND j1.tofield = j2.fromfield
Note: Do not remove the following system joins:
- Opportunity_Salesstep.Salesstepid -> Salesstep.Salesstepid
- Salesstep.Salesstepid -> Opportunity_Salesstep.Salesstepid
For more information about executing SQL statements, see the Administrator Help.