Process Duplicate Records Detail View

The Process Duplicate Records Detail view displays the Check for Duplicates job information and any unresolved duplicate records from that job.

Note: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

To open the Process Duplicate Record Detail view, select Process Duplicate Records from the Tools menu to open the Process Duplicates List view. If required, use the Lookup to locate a job, and click the job number.

On this page you can:

Information Fields:

Job Number
The job number.
Field Name Description
Job Number The job number.
Source The account in Infor CRM SLX that is a potential duplicate.
Source Type The entity the job was processed on.
Resolve Status The resolution status. Possible Duplicate status indicates the record has not been processed. Not a Duplicate or Merged status indicates the duplicate has been processed and is not a duplicate or has been merged with the appropriate record.
Resolved By The user that resolved the potential duplicate.
Resolved Date The date the duplicate was resolved.
Not a Duplicate Click this button to mark the potential match as a non-duplicate.

Detail View Tabs

  • Search Filters: Displays the filters used when the job was processed.
  • Unresolved Duplicates: Displays the unresolved records in the job.