Opportunity Information Fields
This table describes the default information fields:
Note: The workspace can be different depending on your access rights
or if your installation has been customized.
Field | Description/Action |
Account | The account targeted for the opportunity. Click the hyperlink to go to the Account Detail view. |
Accounting System | The name of the connection to the integrated accounting application. Click ( | ) to select an accounting system. (Accounting Integration Only)
Account Manager | The individual in the company who is responsible for the account. Click (find the person or team within your organization that manages the account. | ) to
Add to Forecast | Indicates whether this opportunity must be included in forecast reports. |
Close Probability | The likelihood that a sale can be closed. Click the drop-down arrow and select an item from the list. |
Comments | Additional information about the opportunity. |
Estimated Close | The date the opportunity is estimated to close. Click ( | ) to select the date.
Opportunity | The name given to the opportunity when it was added. For example, an opportunity name can be: XYZ Company Headquarters-Phase 1. |
Price List | The price list associated to the opportunity. Only price lists associated with the selected accounting system display. The price list lookup is unavailable until the Accounting System is selected. (Accounting Integration Only) |
Reseller | The reseller that is associated to the opportunity. Click ( | ) to select a reseller.
Source | Name or description of the lead source, such as magazine or Web inquiry, that generated the opportunity. |
Status | Status of an opportunity. Your company defines the opportunity status list. Click the drop-down arrow and select an item from the list. |
Type | The category of the opportunity. Your company defines the types of opportunities. |