Using a Funnel Chart
To use a funnel chart:
Open Opportunities by Sales Potential.
Use a funnel chart to show potential revenue of opportunities in the pipeline for each level of revenue.
- Right-click a Dashboard tab and select Add Content.
- Click Add for Funnel Chart.
- Specify a Title for the funnel chart, for example Open Opportunities by Sales Potential.
- In the Entity field, select Opportunity.
- In the Group list field, select All Open.
- In the Dimension field, select Stage.
- In the Metric field, select Sum Sales Potential.
- Set the values for Display Labels, Truncate Labels fields and specify the length of the label in Label Length field.
A range of sales potential amounts displays with each sales potential range represented as a different colored level. The size of each level represents the number of opportunities within a particular sales potential range.
Open Opportunities by Stage
Use a funnel chart to see how many opportunities are in each stage of the opportunity pipeline.
- Right-click a Dashboard tab and click Add Content.
- Click Add for Funnel Chart.
- Specify a Title for the funnel chart, for example My Opportunities by Stage.
- In the Entity field, select Opportunity.
- In the Group field, select All Opportunities.
- In the Dimension field, select Stage.
- In the Metric field, select Count Opportunities.
- Set the values for Display Labels, Truncate Labels fields and specify the length of the label in Label Length field.
Each Stage is represented in order of the process as a different colored level. The size of each level represents the number of opportunities in a particular stage.