Defining a BOD Field Mapping

Infor CRM Back Office Extension only. Use this view to define a BOD field mapping. Field mappings match information between Infor CRM SLX and an ION back office integration.

Note: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

To define field mapping:

  1. Perform one of this:
    • To add a new field mapping, open the ION BOD Mapping Detail view, click the Field Mappings tab, and then click add.png (Add New Field Mapping).
    • To add a new field mapping, on the Navigation Bar, right-click ION Field Mappings, and then click New BOD Field Mapping.
    • To copy a field mapping, open the ION BOD Mapping Detail view, click the Field Mappings or Custom Field Mappings tab, and then click Copy.
    • To customize a field mapping, open the ION BOD Mapping Detail view, click the Field Mappings tab, and then click Customize. The customized field mapping is added to the Custom Field Mappings tab after customizing a field mapping.
    • To edit a customized field mapping, open the ION BOD Mapping Detail view, click the Custom Field Mappings tab, and then click Edit.
  2. Complete the following information:
    Field Description Can be edited?
    Active Use this option to turn on or turn off synchronization for this field mapping. On insert only
    Back Office Displays the name of the Back Office Integration associated with the BOD mapping and therefore BOD Field Mapping. No
    Bod Element Sequence The sequence number used by the outbound BOD template generation logic. On insert only
    Default Value

    Specifies a default value if this field is required by Infor CRM SLX.

    For inbound processing, the default value is loaded into the if the specified BOD element is not found in the BOD.

    For outbound processing, the default value is loaded into the outbound process BOD if the current content of the specified entity. property is null.

    On insert only
    Entity The Infor CRM SLX entity, or record type, being mapped. On insert only
    Entity XPath

    The BOD element XPath for this entity.

    In order to edit this field, refer to the Any BOD chapter in the Infor CRM Back Office Extension Installation Guide.

    On insert only
    Field Mapping

    A descriptive BOD field mapping name that is unique relative to the parent BOD mapping.

    When adding a new ION field mapping, type a unique and descriptive name for the field mapping.

    On insert only
    Include in Search

    If the BOD Mapping has a System of Record as CRM and the Include in Search option is selected for the current field mapping and as least one other field mapping, then use this option to indicate how a match is determined.

    • AND - When more than one field mapping is to be used as match criteria and the record must match all criteria in order to merge records. If all match criteria is not met, than a new record is created.
    • OR - When more than one field mapping is to be used as match criteria and the record must match any criteria in order to merge records. If none of the match criteria is met, then a new record is created.
    Is Value Override

    If this option is selected, when a BOD is processed and the field mapping property is not included as an attribute in the XML, the value in the Infor CRM SLX database will be set to NULL.

    If this option is cleared, when the BOD is processed and the field mapping property is not included as an attribute in the XML, no updates will be made to that property in Infor CRM SLX.

    On insert only
    Parent Entity The Infor CRM SLX parent entity for the specified entity. This value can be null for top level entities. If this option is cleared, when the BOD is processed and the field mapping property is not included as an attribute in the XML, updates are not made to that property in On insert only

    The field name of the entity being mapped.

    Type the Infor CRM SLX property name being mapped.

    On insert only
    Property XPath

    Specify the BOD element where you can find the field mapping information from the Infor CRM SLX BOD Mapping (Inbound) guide. The value specified must correspond with the related Xpath from the noun element in the BOD XML message. For example, specify /PartyIDs/ID.

    In order to edit this field, refer to the Any BOD chapter in the Infor CRM Back Office Extension Installation Guide.

    On insert only
    Required If thisUse this option to identify if the field is required by Infor CRM SLX. On insert only
    Search Clause If the BOD Mapping has a System of Record as CRM, use this option to indicate if the field mapping should be used as match criteria when processing Inbound process BODs to determine if matching records should be merged. If no match exists, then a new record is created.  
    Sync Direction

    Identifies how information is synchronized between Infor CRM SLX and the integrated product.

    Specify one of these options:

    • Both: for inbound and outbound BODs
    • In: for inbound BODs
    • Out: for outbound BODs
    On insert only
  3. Click OK.