Mapping Import Fields

Use this view to map fields in the import list to fields in Infor CRM SLX. You can save import information, such as matching fields, default lead owner and default lead source, and use them for future imports.

To map fields:

  1. When importing leads, after defining a delimiter, click Next.
  2. To use a saved import template, click the Field Map Template and select a value from the list.
    Note: A template defines the default owner, default lead source, the delimiter and the matching field. When you select a template, the template replaces the default owner and lead source that you selected with the values defined by the template. If the template delimiter is different from the delimiter you defined, then you are be prompted to select a different template or click the Back button and select a different delimiter.
  3. To display all the fields in both lists and any template, select Show All Fields
  4. Select the external list field and Infor CRM SLX field to be matched. Click Match.
    Matched Infor CRM SLX fields display in the Matched Infor CRM SLX Field column. Click Unmatch to undo a match between two fields.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each field that needs to be matched.
  6. To save the import information as a template, click Save As Import Template.
    Note: To update an Import Template, click the Save Import Template button.
  7. Click Next to go to the next step.