Viewing Invalid or Failed Merge Information

Mail Merge provides two forms of information when invalid or failed merges occur:
  • On the Mail Merge Complete dialog box there is a Create Failed Merge Group button to create a mail merge issues group that contains the contacts or leads that failed to merge when invalid or failed merges occur. The group is named MM Issues - MM-DD-YY
    • The group is visible in the Leads list view if merged with leads, or the Contacts list view if merged with contacts, accounts, opportunities, sales orders, quotes, contracts, returns, or tickets.
    • The Mail Merge Issues group can be viewed immediately following the merge to allow you to see which records failed during the merge.
    • The Mail Merge Issues group contains the name, account name or company, state, work phone, and type.
    Note: The group is not automatically marked as a Favorite. Favorites display as tabs in alphabetical order up to the limit allowed by your administrator. Use the Groups list to manage your Favorites.
  • A text file (log) is generated and named Mail Merge - Userid – MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:SS.
    • The Infor CRM SLX Mail Merge Log is stored in the Attachments path and can be opened in Notepad. It contains the mail merge Job ID, Date and Time, User name, Template used, and it details unsuccessful actions.