Integrations Options Tab
Use the Options tab to view and edit options that are specific to an integration. These options determine what and how information is synchronized between the integration and Infor CRM SLX.
Integration options are represented by name-value pairs. Most integrations include a default set of name-value pairs that you can edit.
- To open the
Options tab:
- Open the Integration Detail view.
- Click the Options tab.
On this tab you can:
- Edit options:
- Click in the
Value column for the
option you want to edit.
Use the Data Type column to identify the type of information to type as a value. For example, for a True/False data type, either 'True' or 'False' is a valid value.
- Make any changes.
- Click
( ).
- Click in the
Value column for the
option you want to edit.
- Set Use Google China
(Contour using Google in China only):
If your Geocode provider is Google and your Web Host is located in China, you must set the Use Google China option.
This option is required in order for the Job Manager jobs associated with Contour Proximity Search with Google Maps to function correctly.
- From the Integrations List view, select Contour.
- Click the Options tab.
- In the Use Google China row, click in the Value column and type True.
- Click
( ).
- Set the Default Quote
- Open the Integration - Back Office Extension detail view and click the Options tab.
- Scroll to the Default Quote Duration (in days) row.
- In the Value column type the default number of days for a quote to remain valid if an expiration date is not set manually. When the expiration date on a newly-created quote is left blank, this number will automatically be added to the quote start date to arrive at the quote expiration date.
- Set Back Office Options (Infor CRM SLX Back Office Extension only):
- Tenant - Type the Tenant name defined when configuring the ERP connection in ION Desk.
- Logical ID- Type the Logical ID for Infor CRM SLX. The Logical ID is generated when defining the Infor CRM SLX connection point in ION Desk.
- Type of order location - Specify the Quote and Sales Order location lookup filter criteria for the selection of the transaction's integrated location value. Type Office or Warehouse or Site to specify the type of location required by the host ERP system. Leave blank to hide the Quote and Sales Order location lookup controls.
- Filter products by transaction - Provides the ability to specify the Quote and Sales Order Product filtered lookup criteria based on the transaction’s location settings. Enter Logical ID or Accounting Entity or Warehouse or Site based on the requirements of the integrated host ERP system.
- Filter products by fixed Logical Id - Provides the ability to specify the Quote and Sales Order filtered Product lookup criteria based on a specified Logical ID. Enter the Back Office Logical ID publishing the host ERP system's products to be used for all Quotes and Sales Orders. For the contents of this field to be recognized, the Filter products by transaction custom setting must be left empty.
- Write in products - When enabled, this custom setting allows the inclusion of custom, write-in products on Quote and Sales Orders. Confirm write-in products are supported by the host ERP system’s ION integration prior to enabling this setting.
- Include CRM Products - Provides the ability to include non-integrated products in the Quote and Sales Order Product lookup content. Default value is False. Update to True if the integrated host ERP system can process CRM products as write-in products.
- Publish All Addresses - When enabled, this custom setting allows the outbound processor to publish multiple addresses. Default value is False. Update to True to integrate primary and alternate addresses with the host ERP system.
- Integrated Primary Contact indicator - When set to True, the Primary contact indicator is no longer displayed on the Contact details page. Instead, the new primary contact flag may be observed in the Contact, Account Associations tab, or in the Account, Contact Associations tab. Changes to the integrated primary contact must be made in the Account, Contacts Associations tab grid.
- Default Quote Duration (in days) - The default number of days between the start date and expiration date when creating a quote, if the expiration date is left blank.
- Normalize Base Currency Values - Set to True to enable inbound BOD handling to use the CRM based exchange rates to normalize base currency values published by the host system in a currency other than the Infor CRM SLX base currency.
- Master Data Consolidation - Set to True to enable the Optional Master Data Consolidation logic. It combines content published in multiple Accounting Entities referencing a common ERP Customer ID or Contact ID into consolidated Accounts or Contacts referencing transactions in all active Accounting Entities. (Typically used by ERP-M3, ERP-LX, ERP-Visual or other ERP integration supporting transactions from multiple Accounting Entities based on a common Customer ID.)
- Contact Account Management Enabled - When enabled, this custom setting instructs the inbound processor to cascade changes to the account's account manager to the account's related contacts.
- Prepend Code to Description for Picklist - Provides an integration option used by host systems publishing SyncCodeDefinition BODs at the Accounting Entity level. Default value is False. Update to True if the integrated host ERP system publishes unique integrated picklist items at the Accounting Entity level.
- Read Only Quote On Promotion - Set to True to prevent the modification of quotes for host systems like CSD, which do not support the promotion of updated CRM Quote content.
- Block Quote For Non-Promoted Records - Set to True to prevent the promotion of new quotes for host systems like CSD, which do not support the promotion of CRM quote content.
- Block Quote For Promoted Records - Set to True to prevent the promotion of updated quote content for host systems like CSD, which do not support the promotion of updated CRM quote content.
- Read Only Sales Order On Promotion - Set to True prevents the modification of promoted sales order content for host systems like CSD, which do not support the promotion of updated CRM Sales Order content.
- Block Sales Order For Promoted Records - Set to True prevents the promotion of modified sales order content for host systems like CSD, which do not support the promotion of updated Infor CRM SLX Sales Orders.
- Display snapshot shipping summary - Set to True to display Shipping information in the Sales Order snapshot. The default value is False.
- Include ERP Freight Rates - Set to False to disable the CSD Freight Rate Shopping functionality for Infor CRM SLX based Sales Orders. The default value is True.
- Freight Reason Code - Implementation-specific distributed charge freight reason code corresponding to the CSD-based CRM Freight Addon reason code.
- Infor CRM SLX recommends
leaving the remaining items as the default values, but they may be edited:
- Success Message Expiration - The number of minutes after which success messages are purged from the log. The default setting is 4320. A value of -1 means that success messages are never purged from the log.
- Error Message Expiration -The number of minutes after which error messages are purged from the log. The default setting is -1 which means that error messages are never purged from the log.
- Log Success Messages - The default value is True, which means that the log will include successful transactions. To exclude successful transactions from the log, click in the Value column and type False. Setting this option to False will reduce the items that display in each record's Sync History tab.
- Inbound Process List Size - The number of BODs to be processed by a single job service thread. The default value is 10.
- Inbox Message Fetch Size - The maximum number of BODs that will be processed at one time. The default value is 1000.
- Out of Sequence Message Expiration - Defines the length of time missing relationship information is stored in a log file. When BODs arrive out of sequence and they have missing dependent data, the system stores the missing relationships in a log. The default value is 24 hours.
- Acknowledge Message Timeout (in minutes) - Defines the maximum delay Infor CRM SLX allows for the back office to respond to the Process BOD request with the Acknowledge response. The default value is 10.
- Outbound Retry Count - The maximum number of times an outbound record will be sent unsuccessfully. The default value is 3.
- Associate Roles to Unsynced Account - Restricts the generation of new ship to or bill to records until after the associated account has been successfully promoted. The default is False. When set to True, ship to or bill to records can be created for an account that has not yet been promoted.
- Inbound Poling Interval (in seconds) - The duration in seconds between execution of inbound sync jobs. The duration is defined as the time period from the completion of one inbound sync job to the start of the next inbound sync job. The default value is 15.
- Outbound Poling Interval (in seconds) - The duration in seconds between execution of outbound sync jobs. The duration is defined as the time period from the completion of one outbound sync job to the start of the next outbound sync job. The default value is 15.
- Numeric Culture - defines the Culture setting used by the Job Server when parsing numeric content contained in BODs. Although this field is editable, do not edit the default setting (en-US) unless instructed to do so by Infor CRM SLX Support Personnel.
- Set Download Exchange Rates
- Refresh Exchange rates on open Opportunities: If this option is set to True, the newly downloaded exchange rates are applied to Opportunities entity.
- Refresh Exchange rates on open Quotes: If this option is set to True, the newly downloaded exchange rates are applied to Quotes entity.
- Refresh Exchange rates on open Sales Orders: If this option is set to True, the newly downloaded exchange rates are applied to Sales Orders entity.
- Set ION Workflow options:
- Reprocessing unsuccessful ION
workflows: If Infor CRM SLX is
unable to create an outbound BOD, the order status is set to 888, which
indicates that the order is yet to be approved. You must specify the time
interval (in minutes) after which the Infor CRM SLX must retry processing the order. If the
specified time is exceeded and Infor CRM SLX is unable to process the order, the order status is set to 999, which
indicates that the order cannot be processed. Note: The default time interval is 30 minutes.
- Workflow retention period: You must specify the number of days up to which the completed workflow's entries must be retained. The default retention period is 30 days.
- Lead Manual Workflow: The workflow that must be triggered when the option is used for a Lead, to trigger the workflow manually.
- Opportunity Manual Workflow: The workflow that must be triggered when the option is used for an Opportunity, to trigger the workflow manually.
- Quote Manual Workflow: The workflow that must be triggered when the option is used for a Quote, to trigger the workflow manually.
- Sales Order Manual Workflow: The workflow that must be triggered when the option is used for a Sales Order, to trigger the workflow manually.
- Reprocessing unsuccessful ION
workflows: If Infor CRM SLX is
unable to create an outbound BOD, the order status is set to 888, which
indicates that the order is yet to be approved. You must specify the time
interval (in minutes) after which the Infor CRM SLX must retry processing the order. If the
specified time is exceeded and Infor CRM SLX is unable to process the order, the order status is set to 999, which
indicates that the order cannot be processed.
- Set Marketo Options
Note: Only the user with the Administrator role can execute this process.
To set the Marketo options:
- Log on to Infor CRM SLX Web Client as the Administrator.
- Select . The Integrations List view is displayed.
- Click . The Marketo Integrations Detail view is displayed.
- Select the Enabled check box.
- Click the
Options tab and specify
this information:
- The URL received in the API provided by Marketo. Delete ./rest from the URL endpoint. This value is mandatory.
- ClientID
- The Client ID received from Marketo. This value is mandatory.
- Secret
- The Secret key received from Marketo. This value is mandatory.
- MQL List Name
- The name of the list that retrieves leads from Marketo. The
Administrator can set a threshold for the score of a lead,
within Marketo. Based on this threshold, the lead is sent to the
qualified lead list, which is automatically synchronized with
Infor CRM SLX. Note: The Administrator can modify the name of the MQL list.
- Auto Link Accounts
- Indicates if the accounts must be
automatically synchronized with Marketo. Possible values:
- True
- False
- Auto Link Opportunities
- Indicates if the opportunities must
be automatically synchronized with Marketo. Possible values:
- True
- False
- Lead Change Paging Token
- The lead change data that is maintained in Infor CRM SLX for 30 days. You can clear the value in this field, to purge all the activity data for the last 30 days and reload the data.
- Activity Page Token
- The activity data that is maintained in Infor CRM SLX for 30 days. You can clear the value in this field to purge all the activity data for the last 30 days and reload the data.
- Click
Note: The system must complete one scheduled synchronization cycle to populate the remaining values on the Integrations Options tab.
- Display or hide the Sales
Intelligence Purchase Likelihood Score:
- Open the Integration - Sales Intelligence Detail view and click the Options tab.
- Find the Account row.
- In the Value field, specify True to display the Purchase Likelihood Score on the Account detail view, or specify False to hide the Purchase Likelihood Score.
- Repeat step 3 for the Contact row to display or hide the Purchase Likelihood Score on the Contact detail view.
- Click
( ).