Campaign Opportunities Tab

The Campaign Opportunities tab lists all of the opportunities associated with a campaign.

On this page you can:

  • Click the Opportunities tab on the Campaign detail view, to view the Campaign Opportunities tab. If the tab is not visible click More tabs.
  • Select an opportunity and click delete_new (Remove), to remove the selected opportunity from the campaign.

The Opportunities tab has these columns:

Field Name Description
Description Displays the opportunity description.
Account Displays the opportunity account.
Estimated Close Displays the estimated date the opportunity will close.
Potential Displays the total revenue that could be generated by the opportunity.
Close Prob. Displays the likelihood that the opportunity will be won.
Weighted Displays the sales potential revenue multiplied by the probability.
Status Displays the opportunity status.
Acct Manager Displays the individual in your company who is responsible for the opportunity account.
Last Updated Displays the date that the opportunity was last updated.