Configuring the Welcome Page SData Widget
To configure the SData widget:
Note: If you want to use the Dashboard SData Feed widget, see Working with Dashboard SData Feed Widgets.
- On the Navigation pane, click Welcome.
- Select the tab that you want to add a widget to or contains the widget you want to edit.
- Add or edit an SData feed widget. See Using Welcome Page Widgets
- In the Title field, specify a widget title.
SData Feed field and
select a feed from the list. Options include:
- Infor CRM Dynamic Entity: Allows access to standard entity resource types like contacts, accounts, and tickets.
- Infor CRM System: Allows access to non-standard resource types like activities and attachments.
- Any accounting integration feeds that are available to you.
- Click Next.
- If you receive a message that the feed has no resources, you must select a different feed. If a feed does not contain any resources, there is no data to be viewed.
Resource field and select
the information to view from the list. For example, Account or Activity.
Note: The contents of the Resource list are based on the feed you selected.
In the
Where Clause field,
specify the 'where' statement provided. If a where clause was not provided,
contact the administrator.
If a where clause is not defined, all data that you have access to, is returned for the SData resource. This can result in a very large data set.Note: It is recommended to create a where clause only for the advanced users. For more information about creating a where clause, see Creating a Where Clause.
- Click Next.
Select the columns from the SData Resource that you want to
display in the widget.
- Select one or more columns from the first list and click >. To add all columns, you must not select each column; just click >>.
- Use < and << arrow symbols to hide columns.
- In the Visible Records field, specify a value between 1 and 100 to determine the maximum number of records to display.
After you save the widget settings, the widget displays records from the feed. Information from an SData feed is subject to security, so you can only view those records for which you have permissions. If the number of records returned is greater than Visible Records, then use the scroll bar.
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