Closing a Ticket

To close a ticket, follow these steps:

  1. Open the ticket's Ticket Detail view.
  2. Ensure all ticket information is complete and accurate.
  3. In the Status field, click the drop-down arrow, and then select Closed.
    Note:  If you are punched in and have any open ticket activities, you will be prompted to close the open ticket activity or click the Punch Out button.
  4. Click the Details tab and update the Resolution.
  5. If you resolved the customer's problem on the first call, select the Resolved 1st Call? check box.
  6. If you want to submit the resolution information to be accepted into the SpeedSearch indexes, select the Submit for SpeedSearch check box in the top pane.
  7. If the administrator has granted you permission to approve tickets, select the Approve for SpeedSearch check box. Otherwise, you will not see this option.
  8. Click save.png (Save)