Setting Options in the Security Tab

Use the Security tab on the Users Detail view to define a user's default field level security profile. The system administrator always has access to everything, and the system administrator’s security access cannot be changed.

Note: This functionality is only available when the appropriate license is installed. For complete information about licensing, see the Infor CRM SLX Implementation Guide.

To set options:

  1. In the Users Detail view, click the Security tab.
  2. In the Field Level Security Profile field, select the default profile to use when this user is added to a team or another user's team. Security profiles are created in the Administrator.

    When User A is manually added to User B's team, (using the User Team Membership tab), User A can access all of User B's records. However, User A's Field Security permissions determine if User A has the ability to modify User B's records. Users always have read/write access to all individually owned accounts, or to accounts owned by Everyone.

  3. Click save.png(Save).