Using the Time Zone Calculator

The Time Zone Calculator allows you to schedule an activity based on the time zones of the participants. For example, you may have scheduled a phone call with a customer for 10:00 AM user time and want to determine the time for the customer in a different time zone.

You can also schedule an activity so it occurs at a particular time in a different time zone. For example, you want to schedule a phone call to take place at 9:00 AM in the customer's time zone and you want to determine what time to make the phone call.

  1. To open the Time Zone Calculator:
    1. Open any Schedule window, (Phone Call, Meeting, To-Do, or Personal Activity) or the Edit Activity view.
    2. Click the Time Zone Calculator tab.
  2. To compare an activity start date and time with another time zone:
    1. If required, change the Current Time Zone.
    2. Click the Comparison Time Zone field, and select the time zone you want to compare.
    3. Click Compare.
      The date and time the activity occurs in the comparison time zone displays.