Literature Item Information Fields

The following table describes the default information fields:

Field Description/Action
Item Number

The document ID as assigned by the literature manager.

You must not specify data in the Item Number field. Use the Item Number field if the company has designated document numbers for each literature type.

Name The name of the document.
Author The document's author.
Family Click the drop-down and select an item from the list.
Cost The per unit cost for the document.
On Hand

The quantity currently present in the inventory.

This number decreases every time a request is fulfilled. If you do not use the On Hand field, the on hand quantity does not decrease. If you specify a zero in the On Hand field, the on hand quantity decreases to a negative number.

Reorder Qty

The minimum quantity after which the items must be restocked.

If the On Hand quantity equals or is less than the Reorder quantity, a restock message is displayed.

File If the document is a file, specify the path to the file in the File field.
Expires Use calendar_new (Calendar) to select a date, and then click OK.