Editing the Supported Languages Pick List

Use the following steps to add a language to the Office Profile, Help tab Supported Languages pick list.

Note:  Editing the list of Supported Languages when that language does not exist may result in a 404 error when accessing the help. If you are using hosted help, do not edit the list of Supported Languages unless instructed to do so.
  1. On the Navigation Bar, select Administration, and then select Pick Lists to open the Pick Lists view.
  2. Scroll down and select Supported Languages.
  3. On the Items tab, click add.png (Add) to add a new item.
  4. In the Add/Edit Item dialog box, specify information in these fields:
    Specify the text to be displayed in the pick list.
    Specify four-character language and culture code that matches the language to add. This value needs to match the name of the help sub-folder that contains the help files for the language.
    Specify the order of the item to be displayed in the list.

    For example, if you specify 0, the item is displayed as the first item in the list. If you have multiple items with the same order number, they are grouped by that number and the entire group is displayed in the list before the next highest order number. Note that if the Sorted alphabetically attribute is selected, Order values are ignored.

    Is default item
    Select this field to set the item as the default list item.
  5. Click Save and New to continue adding items, or click OK.
  6. Click save.png (Save).
  7. Return to the Office Profiles Help tab to select the new language from the Supported Languages pick list.