Editing Sales Order Snapshot Details

Use this window to edit the tax rate, shipping and discount of a sales order.

To edit:

  1. Open the Sales Orders Detail view.
  2. In the Sales Order Snapshot, click Discount, Shipping or Tax.
  3. In the Discount Rate field specify a numerical discount rate. The number is automatically changed to a percent. For example, "50"changes to "50%". If you specify ".5", the value changes to ".5%".
    The amount is automatically calculated.
  4. In the Shipping field specify the cost to ship the sales order.
  5. In the Tax Rate field specify a numerical tax rate. The number is automatically changed to a percent. For example, "50" changes to "50%". If you specify ".5", the value changes to ".5%".
    The amount is automatically calculated.
  6. Click OK.