Configuring the Welcome Page Group List Widget

To configure the Group List widget:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Welcome.
  2. Select the tab that you want to add a widget to or contains the widget you want to edit.
  3. Add or edit a group list widget. See Using Welcome Page Widgets
  4. In the Title field, specify a widget title.
  5. Select an Entity and a Group from the list. For example, Opportunities, and Closed Won.
  6. Specify the Number of Records you want in the list. For example, 10, 25, or 50.
  7. Specify the number of records to be visible in the Visible Records field; 10, 25 or 50.
    For example, if you have specified 50 records in step 3, but only want to see ten at a time in the list, type 10. The widget resizes to accommodate the number of visible records.
    Note: You can use any number between 1 and the maximum number of records configured to display. The default maximum is 50.
  8. Click OK.
    The widget displays the list.
    Note: To show or hide columns in a group list, right-click any column header and select the columns you want to add and clear the columns you want to remove.