Opening, selecting, and managing Word templates
You can use the Manage Templates or Open Infor CRM SLX Template window to access the Public and Private templates that are available to you.
Note: This option is available in
Microsoft Word only after installing Infor CRM SLX
Mail Merge for Microsoft Word and is not available in the Infor CRM SLX Web Client. See Installing Infor CRM SLX Mail Merge For Microsoft Word for more
To manage templates, click Mailings tab in Microsoft Word.
on theYou can perform these tasks related to Manage Templates:
- Import a document as a new template
- Copy a Word template.
- Delete a Word template.
- Share a Word template with another user.
- Set or update the Properties for a Word template.
- Release a private Word template to another user.
- Convert a TemplateNote: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access this option.
To access or select a template:
- Perform one of these actions:
- Click Mailings tab in Microsoft Word.
Note: To open a recently used template, click the arrow to see a list of the five most recently used templates and click the template you want to open.
on the
- Click in Microsoft Word and select the template to select a template.
When opening or selecting a template, in the right pane details, view the Main Table.
- If you are using leads, you must select a template where the main table is .
- For all others, you must select a template where the main table is .
- Click Mailings tab in Microsoft Word.
- Expand the tree view to find the template you want, select the template, and then click .