Defining the Infor CRM SLX Authorized Application for Price and Availability
Use these steps to configure Price and Availability for implementations using OAuth 2.0 or Anonymous authentication.
These steps apply to: Multi-tenant CSD, LN, M3 implementations using OAuth 2.0 authentication.
Note: LX implementations using Basic or Anonymous authentication, which is based on a
classic user name/ password authentication, can proceed directly to editing or
customizing a price service.
The Ming.le ION API Authorized app provides the OAuth 2.0 authentication for Infor
CRM to access the real-time price services for multi-tenant M3, LN, or CSD based
integrations. Please ensure you have obtained the following prerequisites prior to
starting the process:
- Valid Ming.le login with the IONAPI-Administrator role providing Add/Edit access to the Infor ION API > Authorized App interface.
- A Ming.le user who has been set up with the ERP-specific roles providing user access
to the ERP’s Price Services. This user are associated with the service
account as the ERP user for the Infor CRM SLX price service API calls. Contact your ERP team
administrator to set up the Infor CRM SLX service account's user with the required ERP roles required to support
the Rhythm price services API. Note: Infor CRM SLX recommends creating a dedicated service user, not an actual Ming.le or ERP user. For example, a user named InforCRMAuthorizedApp or similar.
To define the Infor CRM SLX