Configuring Matching Tab

Use the Matching tab to configure the options for finding matches between Infor CRM SLX and any integrated accounting systems. The options you select here define how the data entered by users in Infor CRM SLX will be matched to existing data in your accounting system.

These settings define the default matching criteria for all users linking accounting data. Setting narrow search criteria may not return enough results to users which may cause them to create duplicates.

Note: This tab only applies to Accounting integrations.

To configure Matching tab:

  1. Open the SData Sync Configuration view.
  2. Click the Matching tab.
  3. Click the Edit link for the resource for which you want to define or change match criteria.
  4. In the Edit Match Criteria window, execute these steps:
    1. In the Property field, select a property for which you want to compare values.
      Your accounting system(s) must support filtering on this property or users attempting to promote accounts cannot see any matches until they modify the search.
      • In the browser, specify the Link URL you created when you set up your accounting integration, followed by /$schema and verify that property's canFilter attribute is set to true.

        URL example:


    2. In the Operator field, select an operator to complete the matching condition.
      • Equal To - The property value in each system must be equal to be considered a match. For example, Abbott is not a match for Abbott Inc.
      • Starts With - The property value in each system must start with the same value.
      • Contains - The property value in each system must contain the same value. For example, Abbott would be found in Abbott Inc and Abbott Worldwide.
    3. To add additional matching criteria, click .
    4. To remove matching criteria, click .
    5. Click OK.