CRM Workflow Steps tab

The CRM Workflow Steps tab displays the sequential steps comprising the CRM Workflow.

To access the Steps tab:

  • Click Integration on the Navigation bar.
  • Click Integrations, the Integrations list page is displayed.
  • Click CRM Workflow. The corresponding Integration detail page is displayed.
  • Click the Workflows tab.
  • Click the Workflow Name. The CRM Workflow Definition detail page is displayed. See Using the Workflow Definition Detail View.
  • Click the steps tab.

On this tab you can:

  • Edit a step Name or Description, and click (Save) icon to save your changes.
  • Add a new step using the (Add) option.
  • Review or edit a step using the Edit option.
  • Create a copy of the CRM Workflow using the Copy option.

You can specify this information

Column Description

Type of CRM Workflow Step action.

• Notify – Publish an automated email notification.

Name A unique name to identify the step.
Description A brief description of the Step.
Condition The conditional statement that controls the execution of the workflow step. The condition statement is presented in a summary format of Property, Constant value, and comparison operator.
Active If this check box is selected the step is executed as part of the workflow.