Using a Standard ION Workflow

ION workflows are defined in Infor ION Desk. You must configure ION Desk and Infor CRM SLX to use a Standard ION workflow.

  • Only the users with the Administrator role can execute this process.
  • If SSO is enabled in the organization, Infor Ming.le tasks and notifications can be distributed.

    For example, a Sales Representative’s manager and the Account manager receive a review task. When one of them accepts or rejects the task, the Sales Representative receives a notification in Infor Ming.le and an email.

  • If SSO is not enabled in the organization, only email notifications are sent.


  • A Document flow must be established in ION Desk between Infor CRM and the Infor Ming.le applications.
  • The Process.Workflow document must be added to the ION Desk connection point Document tab in which Infor CRM is set as Send from application and Infor Ming.le is set as Receive in application.
  • If the ION Workflow for a standard entity or custom entity does not have a standard Custom setting entry, a custom setting must be created using these values.
    Note: To create a new Custom setting, select Administration > Custom Setting. Right-click Custom Setting and select New Custom Setting.

Specify these values:

Field Name Description
Category Outbound Message
Description Entity name (not the display name).
Data Value Related parent entity name (not display name).

Leave blank if the entity specified in key is to be used as a parent. For example, Account entity.

Data Type Other.
Version Infor CRM version. (This field is optional).

For example, specify these values to create a new custom setting for Tickets:

Field Name Description
Category Outbound Message.
Description Ticket.
Data Value Account.
Data Type Other
Table 1. List of predefined workflow parameters sent from Infor CRM SLX. These parameters do not require a workflow field mapping
Parameters Parameter Description
SYS_Approver1 Maps to the first email in the Approver Email List.
SYS_Approver2 Maps to the second email in the Approver Email List.
SYS_Approver3 Maps to the third email in the Approver Email List.
SYS_EntityId Infor CRM SLX GUID of the record.
SYS_LogicalId Infor CRM logical ID mentioned in the logical ID setting on the ION Workflow Integration Options Tab.
SYS_EntityName The Infor CRM SLX entity name.
SYS_AccountName The Account Name entity is related to an account.
SYS_RecordOwnerName The name of the user that is mentioned in the Owned By property of a workflow definition.
SYS_RecordOwnerFedId The Federated identity value of the user mentioned in the Owned By field of a workflow definition.
SYS_RecordOwnerEmail The email address of the user mentioned in the Owned By field of a workflow definition.
SYS_ModifyUserName The name of the user who last modifies the record.
SYS_ModifyUserFedId The federated identity of the user who last modifies the record.
SYS_ModifyUserEmail The email address of the user who last modifies the record.
SYS_UserManagerName The name of the manager associated with the user, who last modified the record.
SYS_UserManagerFedId The federated identity of the manager associated with the user, who last modified the record.
SYS_UserManagerEmail The email address of the manager associated with the user, who last modified the record.
Table 2. List of operators available in the ION Workflow trigger condition
Operator Data types supported
Contains String Type, Numeric
Does not contain String Type, Numeric
Equal to String Type, Numeric, Date, Picklist
Not equal to String Type, Numeric, Date, Picklist
Less than String Type, Numeric, Date
Equal or less than String Type, Numeric, Date
Greater than String Type, Numeric, Date
Equal or greater than String Type, Numeric, Date
Equal to current date Date
Earlier than current date Date
Equal or earlier than current date Date
Later than current date Date
Equal or later than current date Date
Table 3. List of standard Workflows
Workflow Type Workflow Name Trigger Condition(s) When the Workflow is triggered When the action is taken
Action High value Opportunity
  • The sales potential of the Opportunity is greater than or equal to 100000.
  • Opportunity Status is not set to Closed.
The Owned By User and the sales representative's manager receive a notification.
  • The Opportunity Status is updated to Approved or Rejected, based on the action taken.
  • The sales representative receives a notification through an email about the action taken by a manager.
Action High Value Quote
  • Quote value is greater than or equal to 100000
  • Quote Status is set to Open.
The Owned By User and the sales representative’s manager receive a task notification.
  • The Quote Status is updated to Approved or Rejected, based on the action taken
  • The sales representative receives a notification through an email about the action taken by a manager.
Action Large Discount on Sales Order The discount is greater than or equal to 30%. The Owned By User and the sales representative’s manager receive a task notification.
  • The Sales Order Status is updated to Approved or Rejected, based on the action taken.
  • The sales representative receives a notification through an email about the action taken by a manager.
Action Promotion Failure Notification Process BOD has been rejected by the integrated ERP. A task is created in Infor Ming.le for the user who modified the record. You must modify the data and send the process BOD again.
Notification Estimated Close Past Due on Opportunity
  • The current date has exceeded the specified Estimated Close.
  • Status is not set to Closed.
A notification is sent to
  • The Owned By User.
  • The User who last modified the record.
  • The manager of the User who last modified the record, receive a notification.
Notification Opportunity Won Opportunity Status is set to Closed – Won. A notification is sent to:
  • The Owned By User
  • The User who last modified the record.
  • The manager of the User who last modified the record, receive a notification.
Notification Opportunity Lost Opportunity Status is set to Closed – Lost. A notification is sent to:
  • The Owned By User
  • The User who last modified the record.
  • The manager of the User who last modified the record, receive a notification.
Notification Credit Hold Status on Sales Order Sales Order Status is set to Credit Hold. The Owned By User receives a notification.
Notification Promised Date Past Due on Sales Order
  • The current date has exceeded the specified Date Promised
  • Status is set to Sales Order.
A notification is sent to:
  • The Owned By User
  • The User who last modified the record.
  • The manager of the User who last modified the record, receive a notification.