Data Grid Control Properties

You can view and change the values for the following properties of this control:

Basic Property Description
Caption The label to display on the form for this control.
Resizable Columns Allows user to change width of the grid columns.
Advanced Property Description
Rendered Vertically Indicates whether the data in grid rows should be shown as columns.
Visible Show or hide this control on the form.
Empty Table Row Text The text to display if an empty row is returned in the data grid. For example: 'No records match the selection criteria'.
Expandable Rows Provide expand/collapse icon so user can choose to show first line only or all of wrapped text.
Data Source The source of the data for this control. It can be another control or the main entity of the view. This information is read-only in the Web Form Designer.
Control Id Identifier for this control. This information is read-only in the Web Form Designer.
Control Type Infor CRM SLX control type. This information is read-only in the Web Form Designer.
Layout Property Description

Row number of the control.


Column number of the control.

Row Span

Number of cells the control occupies vertically.

Column Span

Number of cells the control occupies horizontally.