About documents

Documents, also referred to as bid documents, are the printed representation of a quote or an order. They contain details about the products that have been added to a quote or order. Documents can include important information such as pricing, payment terms, and configuration details for configured items.

When you generate a bid document, you can specify the information that you want to show or hide in the document. Print options are described in these tables:


Print Option Description
Pricing My Cost shows the amount the dealer pays to the manufacturer. Selling shows the amount the end-customer pays to the dealer. None hides all pricing information. If None is selected, and you also choose to show all information for configuration details, the prices of configured items are displayed.
Line Details Indicates whether to show or hide line details.
Additional Configuration Details Show All shows the name, value, description, price, quantity and total of each configured component. Hide Pricing Information shows all configuration detail information except the total of each component.Hide All hides all configuration details.
Note: Manufacturers: In order for the Additional Configuration Details option to be available on a bid document, an integration rule that uses the EQ_ConfigurationDetails template must be included in the ruleset that is used to configure the item on the bid document. This rule can be added to a ruleset in Design Studio.
Display Culture Indicates the language that will be used on the document.
Bid Document Location This is the manufacturer location where the bid document was prepared, as displayed in the header of the bid document.

Currency Conversion

Print Option Description
Report Currency Indicates the currency to use on the document.
Exchange Rate Indicates the exchange rate.

Document Properties

Print Options Description
File Name This field shows the default file name. You may change the file name. If the bid document is added to the quote or order, the file name specified here is displayed on the quote or order document list.
File Type Indicates the file type to generate.
Description If the bid document is added to the quote or order, the description specified here is displayed on the quote or order document list.


On a quote or an order, you can add comments about the header, terms, and pricing information. Here, you can choose to show or hide this information on the bid document.
Print Option Description
Header Indicates whether to show or hide header comments.
Terms Indicates whether to show or hide terms comments.
Pricing Indicates whether to show or hide pricing comments.