Creating a dealer
- In CPQ Enterprise Quoting, select Dealers from the menu.
- Click Create Dealer.
- Under Dealer, specify the required information for this dealership. The dealership is active for use by default.
- Under Contact, specify the main phone and fax numbers for this dealership.
- Under Currency, your default base currency is displayed. The dealership's base currency and exchange rate, if set by the dealer administrator, will also be displayed here.
Under General, specify this information:
- This is the dealership ID in your host system. This field is normally populated via BODs or APIs during system integration.
- Bill To ERPID
- This is also a dealership ID from your host system and is different from ERPID when bills for the dealership are sent to a different place, such as a corporate office.
- Type
- Specify the category to which to assign this dealership. These "customer" types are set up by the EQ administrator in application settings.
- Price List
- Specify the price list to use by default for this dealership.Note: For initial setup, the application default price list may be the only available price list. After product and price list records are added to your system, you can change this setting as needed. See About price lists.
- Default Contact
- A dealership may have multiple contacts, which are added on the
Contacts tab at the bottom of
the form. After the contacts have been added, you can use this field to
specify the default contact for the dealership.
The specified default contact is automatically displayed in the Contact field on quotes and orders, so end customers know who to contact with questions.
- Default Ship To Address
- A dealership may have multiple ship-to addresses, which are added on the Locations tab at the bottom of the form. After the ship-tos have been added, you can use this field to specify the default ship-to for the dealership.
- Territory
- Specify the manufacturer territory to assign to this dealership.
Direct representatives who are also assigned to this territory will be able to work with projects and view or work with quotes/orders on behalf of this dealership.
- Parent Dealer
- This field is used to assign a child dealership to a parent
dealership. If this is the first dealership added to your system, you can
specify the manufacturer as the parent dealer. If this is to be a "child"
dealership of another dealership that has already been added, you can select
that dealership as the parent. This allows dealer representatives to access
and submit quotes/orders on behalf of the child dealerships as well.
See also Assigning a child dealer to a parent dealer.
Note: The first time you select a dealership as a parent dealer using this field, then on the parent dealer record, a Child Dealers tab is added, where more child dealers can be added. A Child Dealers form is added in the main navigation menu for the dealer administrator at the parent dealership, where he or she can view child dealer information.
- On the Locations tab, click Create Location to add available ship-to addresses. In an integrated system, these records may be imported via BODs or APIs.
- On the Order Placement Defaults tab, specify the default business terms, shipping terms, and payment terms for quotes and orders submitted by this dealership.
On the Representatives tab, click
Create Representative and add the user
who will be the EQ administrator for the dealership. Specify this information:
- Representative Information
- Specify the first and last name of the user, a unique email address, and phone and fax numbers.
- Application Settings
- Specify these settings:
- Role
Specify Administrator. The first representative added for the dealership is always the administrator. This user must then sign in to their system and add the other users for the dealership. This is explained in the CPQ Enterprise Quoting user guide for dealers.
- Quote/Order
The dealer administrator often uses the system to enter quotes and orders for the dealership. Choose from these options:
- None: The user can view but does not need to create or modify quotes or orders for the dealership.
- Quote Only: The user needs to enter only quotes for the dealership. Quotes created by a user at this level must be converted to orders by a different user who has at least the Can Convert Quotes to Orders permission.
- Can Convert Quotes to Orders: The user needs the ability to enter quotes and to convert partial or full quotes to orders.
- Can Order Directly: The user needs the ability to enter direct quotes and convert partial or full quotes to orders. They can also create an order without having to first create a quote. Only this permission level can place and maintain orders.
- Quote/Order Ming.le
NotificationSpecify whether to enable notifications from Infor Ming.le for quote and order change requests and, when applicable, orders made on behalf of this dealer.Note: Infor Ming.le task notifications must be set up by the EQ administrator in order for this setting to work.
- Manage Territories
If this dealership uses territories for its representatives, then this option must be selected for the dealer administrator. This user will sign in to their system and add the territories for the dealership. This is explained in the CPQ Enterprise Quoting user guide for dealers.
- Role
- Configuration Profiles
- Specify this information:
- Default
Specify the configuration profile, as defined in the rules model, to be run by default when CPQ Enterprise Configurator is launched for a configurable item.
- Mobile
Specify the configuration profile to be used when CPQ Enterprise Configurator is launched from the mobile client within Infor Go.
- Default
- User Account
- Here, you can view the status of this account. See Checking user account status in the EQ administrator section of this content.
- On the Contacts tab, click Create Contact and add your contacts for this dealership.
- On the Application Preferences tab, specify any changes to default pricing and print options that will apply for quotes and orders entered by this dealership.