Managing territories (administrator)
Territory management is considered to be another means of user access security in CPQ Enterprise Quoting. When direct representatives are assigned to a territory, they can access agreements, projects, and quotes/orders for only the dealerships and/or customers that are also assigned to that territory. If direct reps also have some level of on-behalf-of quote/order permissions, then they can not only view dealer quotes and orders but also create them. See About on-behalf-of mode. And when direct reps select a dealership/customer for a new project, quote, or order, the list is limited to only dealerships and customers in that territory.
At least one manufacturer territory can be assigned to each direct representative and one territory is assigned to each dealership/customer.
Territories are hierarchical, so access to a parent territory automatically provides access to its child territories. For example, based on the diagram below, representatives assigned to Base Territory can see information for dealerships/customers assigned to any of the territories shown. Representatives assigned to North America can see information for dealerships/customers assigned to North America, Canada, USA, Ohio, and Texas. And representatives assigned to USA can see information for dealerships/customers assigned to USA, Ohio, and Texas.

Because a direct representative can be assigned to multiple territories, access includes the child territories of each of the assigned parent territories. If no territories are assigned to a direct representative, then he or she cannot view or work with any dealerships'/customers' projects, agreements, quotes, or orders in the system.
Quotes or orders in the system for which no dealership/customer has been selected can be viewed across all territories.
If you enable territory management in application preferences for direct representatives, then you can use the Manage Territories setting on the Representatives form to enable territory management for any direct rep user. This makes the representative a territory manager, so he or she can add, update, remove, and assign territories, based on the scope of the user's own assigned territories.