About pricing details

The Pricing Details form, accessed by clicking Edit Pricing Details on the quote or order summary, contains pricing information for the current quote or order. You can use this form to apply a non-default manufacturing discount or markup, to determine how pricing is calculated for either the whole quote/order or for selected lines. Tax and shipping charges for the quote or order can also be modified here.

To apply changes to the whole order, use the fields on the initial form. To apply changes at the line level, click Adjust Line Pricing. If your change exceeds a pre-defined threshold, you are prompted to submit for approval. See also How approval task notifications are triggered.

At the header and line levels, you also must choose whether or not to display markup information to customers. You have these options:

  • If you select Markup, your upcharge is included in pricing details. You must then specify whether to display the upcharge as Margin %, Markup %, Multiplier, or Multiplier %.
  • If you select None, the Markup field is hidden and customers will not see the upcharge.

This table provides additional information about the pricing detail fields:

Field Description
Item Subtotal (MSRP) Subtotal of the quote/order line items before any discounts or upcharges are applied.
Markup If you choose to display markup, then this field is for the percentage or multiplier that has been applied to the item subtotal, depending on your selection in the Markup field at the top of the form. If you choose not to display markup, this field is hidden.
Discount (% Off List) The discount in percentage off of the original list price. If this amount is changed to a value higher than the threshold set by the administrator, you are prompted to submit for approval. This field may be disabled, if it has been locked by the administrator in application preferences.
Adjusted Subtotal (Discounted) The calculated subtotal that includes all upcharges and discounts.
Tax The default tax rate. This tax rate can be specified by selecting .
Labor Tax The default labor tax rate. This tax applies to only labor items.
Shipping and Handling Shipping and handling surcharge.
Other Charges Write in any additional charges.
Customer Total Displays the total charged to the customer.