About adding new users

In a typical manufacturer implementation of CPQ Enterprise Quoting, the first EQ administrator is added in Infor Ming.le by Infor Cloud Services. This user is given the Infor-SystemAdministrator role in Infor Ming.le. After this user has logged in to the CPQ Enterprise Quoting runtime application for the first time, he or she is automatically added in Infor CPQ Enterprise Quoting Designer with the administrator role. The user is also automatically added on the Representatives form in CPQ Enterprise Quoting with the administrator role.

The EQ administrator then adds direct representatives to the system, with these options:

  • If the user to be added already exists in Infor Ming.le, then the EQ administrator can simply add the necessary security roles in Infor Ming.le. Verify Infor Ming.le users by selecting User Management in the user menu.
    • To create a direct rep with administrator access, the CPQEQ-Administrator and CPQEQ-User roles must be added.
    • To create a direct rep with only user access, the CPQEQ-DirectRepresentative and CPQEQ-User roles must be added.
    • To create a direct rep with no access, the CPQEQ-DirectNoAccess and CPQEQ-User roles must be added.

    Refer to the Infor CPQ Enterprise Quoting Configuration Guide for Infor OS for more information.

  • If the user to be added does not exist in Infor Ming.le, follow these guidelines:
    • To create a direct rep with administrator access, add the user in Infor Ming.le, with the CPQEQ-Administrator and CPQEQ-User roles.
    • To create a direct rep with only user access, add the user on the Representatives form in CPQ Enterprise Quoting. See Adding a direct rep user.
    • To create a direct rep with no access, add the user on the Representatives form in CPQ Enterprise Quoting.

Next, a direct representative adds dealerships, including the first dealer representative, using the Dealers form in CPQ Enterprise Quoting. See Creating a dealer.

The first dealer rep that is added is the dealership's EQ administrator. This dealer administrator then adds dealer users for the dealership. This is explained in the CPQ Enterprise Quoting user guide for dealers.

Note: After direct rep users, dealer administrators, and dealer users are created in CPQ Enterprise Quoting, an Infor Ming.le account is automatically added for them the first time they sign in to CPQ Enterprise Quoting. A record is also automatically added in Infor CPQ Enterprise Quoting Designer with the corresponding role.
Note: No dealer users can be added in Infor Ming.le first. They must be added in CPQ Enterprise Quoting. Also, no users should be added to the system using Infor CPQ Enterprise Quoting Designer.