Recovering from configuration errors

To help you recover your work in the event of a product configuration error, CPQ Enterprise Quoting retains and then restores the last-known good configuration of a product, without user intervention. The last-known good configuration is the most recent successful configuration.

For example, if an invalid selection is made to a previously successful configuration or if a ruleset fails and results in an error, the most recent successful configuration is restored. The line item status is automatically changed from Error to Success.

If there is no last-known good configuration of a product, the line item on the quote or order will remain in the error status. In this case, you have these options:

  • You can try Change Options in the line actions menu. This loads the configuration in a reconfigure mode, so all of your previous selections remain and you may be able to recover the configuration.
  • You can try Reset Configuration in the line actions menu. This removes your previous selections, so you can start over with your configuration.
  • As a last resort, you may need to delete the line and re-add the product with a valid configuration.