Converting a quote to a partial order

The procedure for converting selected quote line items to a partial order can be completed by any user who has one of these quote and order privileges:
  • Can Convert Quote to Orders
  • Can Order Directly

Typically partial orders are used when a customer wants to order some of the lines on a quote without having a separate quote created, perhaps because of discount or bundle pricing. To create a partial order, there must be a least two lines on the quote.

  1. In CPQ Enterprise Quoting, select Quotes.
  2. Open the quote record with line items to be converted.
  3. Review and confirm the quote summary details.
  4. Click Partial Order.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the action and convert the quote to a partial order.
  6. Click Add in each line item that needs to be included on the partial order. After a line item has been added to the order, the status of the selected line item is updated to Ordered. Alternately, click Add All to include all of the quote line items on the partial order.
  7. Click the Go to Order link.
  8. Review and confirm the order summary details. Use the order summary actions and settings to make any required changes.
  9. Click Place Order.
  10. Review and confirm the details that are displayed on the Place Order form.
  11. Click Submit to Manufacturer.
  12. Review the informational message to confirm the order status. The status of the source quote is set to Ordered and the status of any existing quote versions is set to Closed.
  13. Click Close.