Roles by application

This table shows how roles are displayed by application:

Role As displayed in Infor Ming.le under User Management As displayed in CPQ Enterprise Quoting Designer under Security > Users As displayed in CPQ Enterprise Quoting
EQ administrator CPQEQ-Administrator administrator Administrator

This is displayed on the Representatives form and cannot be changed.

Direct Representative CPQEQ-DirectRepresentative DirectRepresentative User

This is displayed on the Representatives form and can be changed to only No Access.

Direct No Access CPQEQ-DirectNoAccess DirectNoAccess No Access

This is displayed on the Representatives form and can be changed to only User.

Dealer Administrator CPQEQ-DealerAdministrator DealerAdministrator Administrator

This is displayed on the Representatives tab of the Dealers form and can be changed to No Access or User.

Dealer Representative CPQEQ-Representative Representative User

This is displayed on the Representatives tab of the Dealers form and can be changed to No Access or Administrator.

Dealer No Access CPQEQ-DealerNoAccess DealerNoAccess No Access

This is displayed on the Representatives tab of the Dealers form and can be changed to Administrator or User.