Adding and removing values for a filter attribute

After filter attributes and their values are created, you can add and remove values as needed. For example, if you add or discontinue the color green for all of your products, you would need to add or remove that value from your Color attribute. If you add or discontinue the color green for only one of your products, you would add or remove the value for only that product.

  • By attribute:
    1. Select Product Maintenance > Product Filter Attributes.
    2. Use the filter fields at the top of the form to find the attribute to work with. Select the record and click Open.
    3. Scroll down to the Product Attribute Values grid and use the create and delete icons to add or remove values.
  • By product:
    1. Select Product Maintenance > Products.
    2. Find and open the product to work with.
    3. Scroll down and select the Product Filter Attributes tab.
    4. Find and open the attribute to work with.
    5. In the Product Attribute Values grid, use the check boxes in the Enabled column to enable or disable values for the attribute on this product.
      Note: An attribute value that is not set to Display on filter can still be enabled for a product; however, it is not shown in the filter panel for the product until that setting is applied.