About header details

The Header Details form, accessed by clicking Edit Header Details on the quote or order summary, contains information for the current quote or order. Some of the information can be modified.

These sections provide descriptions of the header detail fields:

Quote/Order information

Field Description
Opportunity ID Opportunity fields apply to only quotes. The transaction ID referenced to an opportunity in an integrated CRM system.
Opportunity Name A description of the CRM opportunity.
External Quote/Order Number The quote or order number referenced from an integrated application.
Expiration Date The date this quote or order expires.
Quote/Order Name The name of the quote or order.
P.O. Number A referenced purchase order number, if applicable.
Quote/Order Status See Quote, order, and line item statuses.
Acknowledge Status The system status of the quote or order.
Acknowledge Comment A description of the status.
Project For specify a project for the quote or order. See also Setting up projects and jobs.
Job For specifying a job for the quote or order. See also Setting up projects and jobs.
Source Quote Number This field applies to only orders. It displays the number of the quote from which the order originated.
Report Currency When multi-currency is enabled by the manufacturer EQ administrator, you can include reporting currency and exchange rates for international users. If you change the reporting currency and exchange rate at the quote/order level, this represents a dealer-to-end-customer relationship. If a customer currency has been defined for the current customer, then the customer currency is displayed here by default.
Exchange Rate The exchange rate set here is honored on the quote proposal print report and available for change on the Print Options dialog.

Contact Information

Use the Contact Information section to select the primary contact for this quote or order. You can specify the contact's email address, phone number, mobile number, and fax number.

Ship To Information

Use this section to provide ship-to information for the quote or order. Select One Time Ship To if you want to enter a ship-to that will be sent to the source or parent ERP but not saved in the ship-to information.

Shipping Information

This section is used for shipping preferences for this quote or order, including a requested ship date.

Payment Information

This section is used to specify the payment method and payment terms for the quote or order.


You can add comments that will be displayed on the quote or order bid document.