Standard quote/order functions

These functions can be used on all quotes and orders and are accessed using the Print and More... menus at the top of the form.

Print menu

Note: Access to Print menu options may vary (enabled or disabled) depending on the configuration or pricing status of a selected quote or order.
Function Description
Generate Document Used to generate a document from a selected quote or order. You can preview and download the file or save it to the quote or order. The generated PDF is basically a bid document and can contain header terms, comments, and line item details, based on specified application preferences. You can override default preferences as you create a document.

See About documents.

E-mail Document Used to send an email message for a selected quote or order. The message uses default text as specified on the E-mail Template tab by the administrator. The text can be overridden as you create the email message. (Bid) documents saved to the quote or order can be attached to the email message.

More... menu

Function Description
Create Version Used to create a new version for a quote. Each version is its own entity and is identified by number at the end of the quote ID. When a version of a quote is converted to an order, all other versions of the quote become inactive and are set to a status of Closed. Quote versions with a status of Lost or Abandoned are removed from the Active Version list on the quote header.
Rapid Change Used to change one or more configuration options to selected lines of a quote or an order.

See About rapid change.

Proofing Report You can create a proofing report to generate a grid of attributes for the configured data on a quote or an order. On the report, you can review selected options and then print or export the report data. Non-configurable items and dealer items are not displayed on this report. This option is available only if enabled for use by the manufacturer EQ administrator.
Attachments You can attach one or more files to a quote or an order using this function. The number of attachments on the quote or order is displayed next to the Attachments option in the menu. This functionality is available only if enabled for use by the manufacturer EQ administrator. Supported file types are specified by the administrator.
Note: When enabled, this functionality can also be used at the line level by using the Attachments option in the line actions menu.
Documents The number of documents saved to a quote or an order – using the Generate Document function described above – is displayed next to the Documents option on the More... menu. Click this option to go to a form where you can download or delete the files.

Manufacturers: Documents that are generated or attached on an order or order line in CPQ Enterprise Quoting are also displayed in the Related Information widget of your integrated ERP system, if you use Infor M3, LN, or SyteLine. This happens automatically through Infor Document Management (IDM) and does not require additional configuration in CPQ Enterprise Quoting.

Import You can import an existing quote or order by browsing to the required file.
Export Used to export an existing quote or order. You can also export a single line from a quote or an order by using the Export line item action.
Delete Used to delete an existing open quote or order.